

Sports enthusiast and alleged United States Senator Marco Rubio (R-Foam Party, FL) is capitalizing on the popularity of a recent tweet and launching a sports podcast of his very own.

Sources tell LateBrkng that fan of the sportsball, Marco Rubio, will launch this podcast with the help of digital sports juggernaut InfoWars. In recent weeks, the alleged senator has been pushing many conspiracy theories usually seen on and heard on InfoWars.

Sources inside of InfoWars tell us that ” 3 Point Kick” will tackle many topics in the sportsball world and will feature exclusive ads for Rubio’s new line of snake oil being sold in the sites store.

This is a developing story… check back for more details. 

Editors Note: A “3 pt kick to win” is usually referred to as a game winning field goal by high school jocks sitting at the cool table in the high school cafeteria.

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