Surefire Intel Staff Caught in Nazi Uniform


Composite of Simon Frick's LinkedIn

Today the world was introduced to Surefire Intelligence, a highly respected intel company often talked about in hushed tones at hipster coffee shops all over Los Angeles, where the firm is based.

Well, LateBrkng has obtained EXCLUSIVE photos of Simon Frick, a lead investigator at the firm, dressed in World War 2 Nazi regalia.

As you can see above, Simon Frick of Surefire Intelligence, is dressed in a Nazi uniform. Not much is known about Frick besides his work at Surefire and attending the University of Bern and obtaining a Bachelors degree in International Business in 1981. According to his LinkedIn page, Surefire Intel is his first job which he started in 2016.

As you can see in this second EXCLUSIVE photo above, wearing this uniform is not a one time deal. Here is is pictured having dinner looking like an inglorious basterd.

We reached out to Surefire Intelligence by phone and the woman who answered told us the head of the company was grounded and will get back to us once he regains internet privileges.

This shocking photo of Frick shows him wearing his uniform to the office and using the international symbol for white supremacists and the ASL symbol for asshole.

Simon Frick was also caught on camera (above) at the Bowling Green Massacre in 2017. Frick, dressed in uniform again, pulled his gun on ANTIFA super soldiers who were helping Iraqi terrorists murder an unknown amount of American citizens protesting Colin

Patriots and lovers of liberty working at the firm are proud Americans and must be SHOCKED at these new developments.

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